eXtension Outstanding Institutional Team. Hurt, R.T.
National Award of Excellence from the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials for The Griffin Housing Authority’s Educational Prosperity Initiative. A total of 19 were issued in the country. The Healthy Life Community Garden and associated educational programs.
National Merit Award from the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials for The Griffin Housing Authority’s The Educational Prosperity Initiative. The Healthy Life Community Garden and associated educational programs.
GES Fellow (Scholarship/Research). Georgia Entomological Society. Braman, S. K.
Distinguished Achievement Award, American Society for Horticultural Science, Consumer Horticulture and Master Gardener Working Group. Bauske, E. M.
Outstanding Extension Publication Award, American Society for Horticultural Science. Managing Gar- den Insects Begins with a Question: Friend or Foe? (Video). Bauske, E. M.
Mixed Media/Materials Silver Award, Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals. The 40 Gallon Challenge. Bauske, E., M. Biersmith, A. Osborne, and P. Pugliese.
eXtension Outstanding Institutional Member, One of three people honored as the first recipients of eXten- sion’s National Be Grow Create Outstanding Institutional Team Member award (National). Hurt, R.T.
National Recognition, Project of Excellence, Southern Region Water Program. Advanced Master Garden- er Training in Georgia, South Carolina, and Alabama. Bauske, E. M., E. Brantley, T. Davis, M. Fonseca, F. Henning, R. M. Seymour, K. Smith, and C. Tanner.
Elected President, SEB, ESA (Leadership) Southeastern Branch Entomological Society of America. Braman, S.K.
SEB Distinguished Achievement in Horticultural Science Award. Southeastern Branch of the Entomologi- cal Society of America. Braman, S.K.
National Recognition, Communication Award, Bound Book. National Association of County Agricultural Agents. Bauske, E. M., K. A. Maqueda, and A. D. Martinez-Espinoza. Safety for Hispanic landscape workers. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Bilingual
Manual. Bauske, E.M.
National Recognition, Communication Award, Web Site. National Association of County Agricultural Agents. Safety Makes Sense Web Site. Creator, editor and contributor. Bauske, E. M.
National Association of County Agricultural Agents – Achievement Award. This is the highest award given for Extension Professionals with less than 10 years of service. Hurt, R.T.
Honorary State FFA Degree. Hurt, R.T.
GGIA’s Environmental Friend of the Industry Award. Georgia Green Industry Association. Braman, S.K. Friends of Southern IPM Bright Idea Award to SNIPM for IPM Pro App and eBooks.
Georgia Association of County Extension Agents – Extension Education State Staff Poster Session, 2nd Place. Hurt, R.T.
Recognized by the Secretary of Agriculture, Gary Black, for USDA/Agricultural Marketing Service, Specialty Crop Block Grant Award. Bauske, E., C. Waltz and M.K. Woodworth.
First Place, Communication Award, Bound Book. Georgia Association of County Agricultural Agents. Bauske, E. M., K. A. Maqueda, and A. D. Martinez-Espinoza. Safety for Hispanic landscape work- ers. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Bilingual Manual.
First Place, Communication Award, Web Site. Georgia Association of County Agricultural Agents. Safety Makes Sense Web Site. Bauske, E. M. and R. Braman.
Georgia Association of County Agricultural Agents – Oral Presentation 1st Place Winner, AM/PIC. “Reaching Visual Learners using Virtual World eXtension. “ Hurt, R.T.
Books – Book Chapters
Nair, S., K. Braman, and E. Bauske. 2012. Insect identification guide for southeastern landscapes. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Bulletin 1409. 39 pages.
Braman, S. K., Sparks, B., Adams, D. (2011). Basic Entomology. In Georgia Master Gardener Hand- book, University of Georgia-CAES.. Athens Ga.
Williams-Woodward, J., Braman, S. K., Adams, D. (2011). Diagnosing Ornamental Plant Problems. In Georgia Master Gardener Handbook, University of Georgia-CAES.. Athens Ga.
Martinez-Espinoza, A. D., Braman, S. K. (2011). Insect and Diseases of Turfgrasses. In Georgia Master Gardener Handbook, University of Georgia-CAES.. Athens Ga.
Braman, S. K., del C. Coscarón, M., Cornelis, M. (2014). Chapter 10 Damsel bugs (Nabidae). In TITLE: TRUE BUGS (HETEROPTERA) OF THE NEOTROPICS,.
Chappell, M. R., Braman, S. K., Williams-Woodward, J., Knox, G. (2012). Crapemyrtle – Lagerstro- emia spp.. In IPM for Select Deciduous Trees in Southeastern Nursery Production, A. Fulcher and S. White (Ed.), Southern IPM Working Group. (pp. 109-136).
Knoxville, TN.
Adkins, C, Ward, N., Braman, S. K., and White, S.. (2012). Redbud-cercis spp.. In IPM for Select Deciduous Trees in Southeastern Nursery Production, A. Fulcher and S. White (Ed.), Southern IPM Working Group. (pp. 287-310). Knoxville, TN.
LeBude, A. V., Braman, S. K., Williams-Woodward, J. (2012). Chinese Elm – Ulmus parvifolia. In IPM for Select Deciduous Trees in Southeastern US Nursery Production, A. F. Fulcher and S. A. White (Ed.), Southern Nursery IPM Working Group. (pp. 160-179).
Knoxville, TN.
Braman, S. K., Nair, S. (2014). Lace bugs, Midge Rhododendran Tip and Rootworms. Pp 101-104 Lenderman and Benson Edited – Second Edition In APS Compendium of Rhododendron and Azalea Diseases and Pests
Hudson, W. G., Braman, S. K., Abraham, C. (2012). Mole Crickets. In Brandenburg and Freeman edited :Handbook of Turfgrass Insects, ESA Handbook series. (pp. 61-65).
Braman, S. K., Abraham, C. (2012). Twolined Spittlebug. In Brandenburg and Freeman edited: Hand- book of Turfgrass Insects, (pp. 77-79).
Refereed Articles
Braman, S. K., Hanna, W. W., Schwartz, B. M., Nair, S. (2014). Evaluation of Chinese centipe- degrasses and other turfgrass taxa for potential resistance to twolined spittlebug, Prosapia bicincta (Say). Journal of Entomological Science.
Braman, S. K., Raymer, P. L., Harrison-Dunn, M., Nair, S. (2014). Antibiosis Among Selected Paspalum Taxa to the Fall Armyworm (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Journal of Entomological Science, 49, 11-20.
Sowah, R., H. Zhang, D. Radcliffe, E. Bauske, and M. Habteselassie. (2014). Evaluating the influence of septic systems and watershed characteristics on stream fecal pollution in suburban watersheds in Georgia. Journal of Applied Microbiology. doi: 10.1111/jam.12614.
Bauske, E. M., G. R. Bachman, L. Bradley, K. Jeannette, A. Stoven O’Connor, and P. J. Bennett. (2014). Consumer horticulture outreach: communication challenges and solutions. HortTech. 24: 266-269.
Braman, S. K., Hanna, W.W., Schwartz B., Nair, S. (2014) Evaluation of Chinese Centipedegrasses and other Turfgrass Taxa for Potential Resistance to Twolined Spittlebug, Prosaia bicincta (Say) J. Entomol. Sci. 49(2): 121-129
Hurt, T., K. Braman, and E. Bauske, (2014). Step into the shade: conversations about urban agricul- ture. 2014 Turfgrass Research Field Day Guide. p 39.
Maner, L., Hanula, J. L., Braman, S. K. (2013). Evaluation of Screen Barriers on Redbay Tree Boles to Protect Them from Xyleborus glabratus Attack and Effects of Moisture Content, Stem Diameter, and Height on Initial Attacks. J. Economic Entomology, 106, 1693-1698.
Zhang, Y., Hanula, J. L., Obrien, J., Horn, S., Braman, S. K. (2013). Evaluation of the impacts of herbivory by lace bugs on Chinese privet (Ligustrum sinense) survival and physiology. Biological Control, 64, 299–304.
Maner, L., Hanula, J. L., Braman, S. K. (2013). Gallery Productivity, Emergence, and Flight Activity of the Redbay Ambrosia Beetle, Xyleborus glabratus.. Journal of Economic Entomology, 42, 642- 647.
Zhang, Y., Hanula, J. L., Braman, S. K., Horn, S., Sun, J. (2013). Fundamental host range of Leptoy- pha hospita (Hemiptera: Tingidae), a potential biological control agent of Chinese privet in the United States. To appear in Environmental Entomology.
Braman, S. K., Nair, S., Carr, E. (2013). Influence of Temperature, CO2 Concentration, and Species on Survival and Development of Lace Bugs.. Journal of Entomological Science, 48, 251-254.
Abraham, C., Braman, S. K., Oetting, R. D., Hinkle, N. C. (2013). Pesticide Compatibility with Natural Enemies for Pest Management in Greenhouse Gerbera Daisies.. J. Economic Entomology, 106, 1590-1601.
Maner, L., Hanula, J. L., Braman, S. K. (2013). Rearing Redbay Ambrosia Beetle, Xyleborus glabratus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), on Semi-Artificial Media. Florida Entomol, 96, 1042-1051.
Abraham, C., Braman, S. K., Oetting, R. D., Thomas, P. A. (2013). Nonpreference Among Gerbera Cultivars By The Leafminer Liriomyza Trifolii (Agromyzidae: Diptera). J. Environmental Horticul- ture, 31, 183-188.
Bennett, P. J., E. M. Bauske, A. Stoven O’Connor, J. Reeder, C. Busch, H. A. Kratsch, E. Leger, A. O’Callaghan, P. J. Nitzsche, and J. Downer. (2013). Farmer’s market, demonstration gardens, and research projects expand outreach of Extension Master Gardeners. HortTech. 23: 411-417. Available at:
Fulcher, A., Chong, J., White, S., Neal, J., Williams-Woodward, J., Adkins, C., Braman, S. K., Chap- pell, M. R., Derr, J., Dunwell, W., Frank, S., Gill, S., Hale, F., Klingeman, W., Rane, H., LeBude,
A., Windham, A. (2013). Developing a Mobile Application as an Extension Education Tool: A Case Study Using IPMPro. HortTechnology, 23, 402-406.
Fulcher, A., Chong, J., White, S., Neal, J., Williams-Woodward, J., Adkins, C., Braman, S. K., Chap- pell, M. R., Derr, J., Dunwell, W., Frank, S., Gill, S., Hale, F., Klingeman, W., Rane, H., LeBude,
A., Windham, A. (2013). Testing, Promoting, and Launching a Mobile Application as an Extension Tool: A Case Study with IPMPro. HortTechnology, 23, 407-410. content/23/4/407.full
Bauske, E. M. and C. Waltz. (2013). Influence of turfgrass on human aesthetics and psychology: a review. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 888:37-41.
Bauske, E. M., N. E. Fuhrman, A. D. Martinez-Espinoza, R. Orellana. (2013). Use of pictorial evalu- ations to measure knowledge gained by Hispanic landscape workers receiving safety training. Journal of Extension [On-line], 51(5) Article #5RIB3. Available at: JOE_v51_5rb3.pdf
Fulcher, A., Chong, J., White, S., Neal, J., Williams-Woodward, J., Adkins, C., Braman, S. K., Chap- pell, M. R., Derr, J., Dunwell, W., Frank, S., Gill, S., Hale, F., Klingeman, W., Rane, H., LeBude, A., Windham, A. (2013). Ebooks: A New Platform for Extension Outreach (vol. 48, pp. S281). Hort- Science.
Nair, S., Braman, S. K., Knauft, D. A. (2012). Host Plant Utilization Within Family Ericaceae by the Andromeda Lace Bug Stephanitis takeyai (Hemiptera: Tingidae).. J. Environ. Hort, 30, 132-136.
Nair, S., Braman, S. K., Knauft, D. A. (2012). Relative Differences in Susceptibility of Pieris taxa (Ericaceae) to Stephanitis spp. Lace Bugs (Hemiptera: Tingidae). Environmental Entomology, 41, 1145-1152.
Shakunthala, N., Braman, S. K., Knauft, D. A. (2012). Resistance Mechanisms in Pieris Taxa (Erica- ceae) to Stephanitis takeyai (Hemiptera: Tingidae). Environmental Entomology, 41, 1153-1162.
Nair, S., Braman, S. K. (2012). A Scientific review of the Ecology and Management of the Azalea Lace Bug Stephanitis pyriodes (Scott) (Hemiptera:Tingidae). J. Entomol Sci., 47, 247-263.
Joseph, S., Braman, S. K. (2012). Influence of Turfgrass Type on Survival of Geocoris spp. (Hemip- tera: Geocoridae). J. Entomol. Sci., 47, 227-237.
Nair, S., Braman, S. K. (2012). Integration of Insecticides with the Natural Enemy Chrysoperla car- nea for Management of Azalea Lace Bug. J. Entomol. Sci., 47, 278-281.
Braman, S. K., Quick, J., Mead, M., Nair, S. (2012). Japanese beetle response to field-grown crape myrtles. J. Entomol. Sci., 47, 188-192.
Carr, E., Braman, S. K. (2012). Phenology, abundance, plant injury and effect of temperature on the development and survival of Leptodictya plana (Hemiptera: Tingidae) on Pennisetum spp. grasses. J. Entomol. Sci., 47, 131-138.
Chappell, M. R., Braman, S. K., Williams-Woodward, J., Knox, G. W. (2012). Optimizing plant health and pest management of Lagerstroemia spp. in commercial production and landscape situations
in U.S. mid-southern states. Journal of Environmental Horticulture, 30, 161-172. www.hriresearch. org/index.cfm?page=Content&categoryID=174
Lebude, A., White, S., Fulcher, A., Frank, S., Chong, J., Chappell, M. R., Windham, Braman, S. K., Hale, F., Dunwell, W., Williams-Woodward, J., Ivors, K., Adkins, C., Neal, J., Klingeman, W. (2012). Assessing the integrated pest management practices of Southeastern U.S. ornamental nursery opera- tions.. Pest Mgmt. Sci., 68, 1278-1288.
Hanna, W. W., Braman, S. K., Schwartz, B. M. (2011). Registration of ‘Tift 8” Trispecific Ornamental Pennisetum. Journal of Plant Registratons, 5, 1-4.
Joseph, S., Braman, S. K., Hanula, J. L. (2011). The range in response of neonicotinoids on hemlock wooly adelgid, Adelges tsugae (Hemiptera: Adelgidae). J. Environ. Hort., 29, 197-204.
Zhang, Y., Hanula, J. L., Horn, S., Braman, S. K., Sund, J. (2011). Biology of Leptoypha hospita (He- miptera: Tingidae), a potential biological control agent of Chinese privet.. Annals of the Entomologi- cal Society of America, 104, 1327-1333.
Braman, S. K., Carr, E., Quick, J. (2011). Canna spp. cultivar response to the lesser canna leafroller, Geshna cannalis (Quaintance), and the Japanese beetle, Popillia japonica (Newman). J. Environ. Hort., 29, 87-90.
Joseph, S., Hanula, J. L., Braman, S. K. (2011). Distribution and Abundance of Adelges tsugae (He- miptera: Adelgidae) within Hemlock Trees. J Econ Entomol, 104, 1918-1927.
Joseph, S. V., Braman, S. K., Hanula, J. L. (2011). Effects of Fertilization of Four Hemlock Species on Adelges tsugae (Hemiptera: Adelgidae) Growth and Feeding Preference of Predators. Journal of Economic Entomology, 104, 288-298.
Joseph, S. V., Braman, S. K., Hanula, J. L. (2011). Effects of Fertilizer and Low Rates of Imidacloprid on Adelges tsugae (Hemiptera: Adelgidae). Journal of Economic Entomology.
Joseph, S. V., Braman, S. K. (2011). Occurrence of Hymenopteran Parasitoids in Residential Turf- grass in Central Georgia. Journal of Entomological Science, 46, 112-123.
Bauske, E. M., L. Kelly, K. Smith, L. Bradley, T. Davis, and P. Bennett. (2011). Increasing effective- ness of cooperative extension’s master gardener volunteers. HortTech. 21:150-154.
Carr, E. R., Braman, S. K., Hanna, W. W. (2011). Host plant relationships of Leptodictya plana (He- miptera: Tingidae). J. Environmental Horticulture, 29, 55-59.
Hanna, W. W., Braman, S. K., Schwartz, B. M. (2010). ST-5, A Shade Tolerant Turf Bermudagrass. HortScience, 45, 132-134.
Hanna, W. W., Braman, S. K., Schwartz, B. M. (2010). Tift 17 and Tift 23 Hybrid Ornamental Pennis- etums. HortScience, 45, 135-138.
Bauske, E. M., W. J. Florkowski, and G. W. Landry. 2010. Urban agriculture industries in Georgia, U.S.A. respond to outdoor watering ban. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 881:793-797. books/881/881_130.htm.
Landry, G. W., E.M. Bauske, R. T. Hurt, and W. O. Chance. (2010). Developing successful collabora- tion with the urban horticulture industry – the Georgia, USA experience. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 881:833- 836.
Bradley, L. K., E. M. Bauske. (2010). Sustainable urban, residential, gardening and landscaping: training agents to mobilize Master Gardener volunteers. Acta Hort. 881: 201-206.
Bauske, E. M., F. P. Henning, M. T. Fonseca. (2009). Southeast Master Gardeners trained to tackle watershed issues using cost-effective distance teaching technology (pp. 2). 2009 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Georgia Water Resources Institute. files/files/docs/2009/3.3.1_Bauske.pdf
Seymour, R. M., E. M. Bauske. (2009). Implementing water conservation education for university campus facilities and ground managers. Journal of Extension [On-line], 47(4), Article 4T0T5. http://
Joseph, S. v., Braman, S. K. (2009). Predatory Potential of Geocoris spp. and Orius insidiosus (Say) on Fall Armyworm in Resistant and Susceptible Turf. Journal of Economic Entomology, 102(3), 1151-1156.
Joseph, S. V., Braman, S. K. (2009). Influence of plant parameters on occurrence and abundance of arthropods in residential turfgrass. Journal of Economic Entomology, 102(3), 1116-1122.
Jenkins, T. M., Braman, S. K., Chen, Z., Eaton, T. D., Pettis, G. V., Boyd, D. W. (2009). Insights into Flea Beetle (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) Host Specificity from Concordant Mitochon- drial and Nuclear DNA Phylogenies. Annals of the Entomological Society of America, 102(3).
Chong, J.-H., Braman, S. K., Waltz, F. C. (2009). St. Augustinegrass Cultivar Influences on Southern Chinch Bug and Predator Populations. Applied Turfgrass Science, http://www.plantmanagementnet- On-line. Applied Turfgrass Science doi:10.1094/ ATS-2009-1123-01-RS.
Klingeman, W., Pettis, G. V., Braman, S. K. (2009). Lawn Care and Landscape Maintenance Professional Acceptance of Insect- and Disease-Resistant Ornamental Plants. HortScience, 44(6), 1608-1615.
Peer Reviewed, Non-refereed Publications
Westerfield, R., Braman, K., Little, E., Hale, F., and Majumdar, A. (2014). Troubleshooting Vegetable Production Problems in the Southeast. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Circular 1054.
Braman, K., Hale, F., and Majumdar, A. (2014). Beneficial Insects, Spiders and Mites in the South- east. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Circular 1055. Tri
Bauske, E., G. L. Hawkings, and T. Hurt. (2014). Choosing a landscape irrigation contractor. Univer- sity of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Circular 1056. 4 pages.
Hawkins, G. L., E. Bauske, S. Wells, and F. Henning. (2013). Rainwater harvesting for system de- signers and contractors. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Bulletin 1372. 7 pages.
Bauske, E., Habteselassie, M.Y. and Risse, M. (2013). A beginner’s guide to septic systems. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Bulletin 1421. 4 pages.
Bauske, E., R. Orellana, and A Martinez-Espinoza. (2013). Safety checklists for new landscape employees. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Bulletin 1415. 18 pages.
Fulcher, A., Chong, J., White, S., Neal, J., Williams-Woodward, J., Adkins, C., Braman, S. K., Chap- pell, M. R., Derr, J., Dunwell, W., Frank, S., Gill, S., Hale, F., Klingeman, W., Rane, H., LeBude, A., Windham, A. (2013). IPM In Action: Learn How to Get the Best Return on Investment from IPM Practices (12th ed., vol. 29, pp. 30-33). Nursery Management.
Bauske, E., and B. Westerfield. (2012). How to start a community garden: getting people involved. University of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Bulletin 1399. 4 pages.
Sparks, B., Braman, S.K., and Nair, S. (2012). Control of Lace Bugs on Ornamental Plants. Universi- ty of Georgia Cooperative Extension. Bulletin 1102. 2 pages.
Fulcher, A., Chong, J.C., Neal, J., White, S., Williams-Woodward, J., Adkins, C., Braman, S. K., Chappell, M. R., Derr, J., Dunwell, W., Frank, S., Gill, S., Hale, F., Klingeman, W., LeBude, A., Rane, K., Windham, A. (2012). Educators Guide to Developing an App. (9th ed., vol. 47, pp. S111-S112). American Society for Horticultural Sciences.
Fulcher, A., Chong, J.C., Neal, J., White, S., Williams-Woodward, J., Adkins, C., Braman, S. K., Chappell, M. R., Derr, J., Dunwell, W., Frank, S., Gill, S., Hale, F., Klingeman, W., LeBude, A., Rane, K., Windham, A. (2012). Educators Guide to Testing, Launching and Promoting an App. (9th ed., vol. 47, pp. S112-S113). American Society for Horticultural Sciences.
Kowalesky, A., Hathaway, A., Martinez-Espinoza, A. D., Braman, S. K. (2012). IPM: Integrated Pest Management for Sport Fields. Sports Turf, April, 8-13, 45.
Bauske, E.M, G. Wade, S. K. Braman, and J. W. Buck. (2010). Native plant use and Georgia’s water resources Center for Urban Agriculture Report: CR-10-01. Available at: urbanag//Industry/indexfs.cfm?pg=industrypubs
Research Reports, Newsletters, and Popular Press Publications
Griffin, B., E. Bauske, and C. Waltz. (2014). Sustainability of turfgrass with soil incorporation of organic matter. 2014 Turfgrass Research Field Day Guide. p. 32-34.
Bauske, E., C. Waltz, and R. Westerfield. (2014). Lunch and lawn; can you have grass and eat too? 2014 Turfgrass Research Field Day Guide. p. 14-p15.
Bauske, E., K. Nguyen, C. Waltz and K. Wood. (2014). Irrigation installation: don’t forget to include the cost of water in the bid. Georgia Green Industry Association Journal. WinterGreen (Jan.).
Bauske, E., K. Nguyen, C. Waltz and K. Wood. (2013). Many systems, many prices. Urban Ag Council Magazine. Nov/Dec.
Bauske, E. (2013). Turfgrass breeding “dream team.” Urban Ag Council Magazine. Nov/Dec. Bauske, E. (2013). Safety 24/7. Urban Ag Council Magazine. March/April.
Braman, S.K. (2012) Beneficial insects contribute to a healthy garden, Bug Heroes, p 32-33 UAC Magazine
Braman, S.K. (2012) Southern red mite control Check braod-leaved evergreens for damage p 24-25 UAC Magazine
Braman, S.K., Hammond, S. (2012) UGA GardenPro, Getting great information out faster than ever before. Pp 62 UAC Magazine.
Braman, S.K. (2012) Ornamental plant pests pp. 35-38 UAC Magazine
Nair, S. , Braman, S.K., (2012) Keep an eye on the azaleas Azalea lace bugs are coming soon. Pg 20-21 UAC Magazine
Hurt, T. (2012) “27 Teachers Complete GGIA Professional Industry Certification”. GGIA Journal, Fall 2012 p.4.
Hurt, T. (2012) “Apps, Blogs, and Professional Certifications”, GGIA Journal, Fall 2012, pp. 12-13.
Hurt, T. (2012). “Step up Your Professionalism”, Urban Ag Council Journal, December 2012, pp.50- 53.
Woodworth, M.K. Bauske, E. (2012) Developing low water use turfgrass USDA Specialty Crop Grant awarded to UGA and UAC. Pp 64-65 UAC Magazine.
Bauske, E, and S. Hammond. (2011). Urban Forestry Team. UAC Magazine. September/October.
Macie, J. and E. Bauske. (2011). Planting your bare root fruit tree. UGA Center for Urban Ag Fact Sheet. Available at:
Blackmon, L. and E. Bauske. (2011). Pruning and training new fruit trees. UGA Center for Urban Ag Fact Sheet. Available at: trees.
Bauske, E. (2011). Multistate extension team challenges residents to save 20 gallons of water nation- wide. Association of Natural Resource Extension Professionals Spring Newsletter.
Bauske, E. M., Hurt, R. T., Chance, W. O., Gardner, W. A. (2010). In E. Bauske (Ed.), University of Georgia Center for Urban Agriculture Newsletter (1st ed., vol. 1, pp. 4). newsletters.cfm.
Bauske, E. M., Wade, G. L., Braman, S. K., Buck, J. W. (2010). Native plant use and GA’s water resources (ed., vol. Nov./Dec., pp. 32-34). MALTA Magazine.
Bauske, E. M., Wade, G. L., Braman, S. K., Buck, J. W. (2010). Native plant use and GA’s water resources (ed., vol. Nov./Dec., pp. 32-34). MALTA Magazine.
Bauske, E. M. (2010). UGA OSHA-approved safety training. (ed.). Atlanta: MALTA Magazine.
Bauske, E. M. and W. Chance. (2009). Volcano mulching: an erupting problem in the landscape. Landscape Topic (e-news you can use).
Hanna, W. W., Braman, S. K. (2009). Breeding Turf for Insect Resistance. USGA Green Section Record.
Fulcher, A., Chong, J.C., White, S., Williams-Woodward, J., Adkins, C., Braman, S. K., Chappell, M. R., Derr, J., Dunwell, W., Frank, S., Gill, S., Hale, F., Klingeman, W., LeBude, A., Neal, J., Rane, K., Windham, A. (2012). IPMLite App. Google Play, iTunes.
Fulcher, A., Chong, J.C., White, S., Williams-Woodward, J., Adkins, C., Braman, S. K., Chappell, M. R., Derr, J., Dunwell, W., Frank, S., Gill, S., Hale, F., Klingeman, W., LeBude, A., Neal, J., Rane, K., Windham, A. (2012). IPMPro App. Google Play, iTunes.
Nair, S., E. M. Bauske, and S. K. Braman. (2013). Managing Garden Insects Begins With a Question: Friend or Foe? Available at: or http://vimeo. com/48026353
Bauske, E. M., P. Pugliese, A. Tedrow, L. Bradley, and K. Smith. (2013). Hit the Panic Button. Available at:
Nair, S., Bauske, E. M., Braman, S. K. (2012). Managing Garden Insects Begins With a Question: Friend or Foe?. UGA CAES Cooperative Extension. 1QU or
Pennisi, S. V., G. L. Wade, E.M. Bauske, M. T. Fonseca, A. D. Martinez-Espinoza, R. L. Brannen, P. J. Pugliese, (2011). Planting Procedures for Woody Ornamental. UGA CAES Cooperative Exten- sion.
Hurt, R. T. (2010-2011). Urban Ag Careers Videos, 5 titles hosted on Youtube: Retail Garden Centers, Park Event Management, Urban Forestry, Organic Sales, and Floriculture. Close captioned. 2010-2011.
Hurt, R. T., Bales, D. W., Heusner, G. L. (2010). eXtension, Not another task its a Resource. (1st ed., vol. 2009, pp. 18 minute video). UGA Center for Urban Ag.
Wade, G. L., E.M Bauske, M. T. Fonseca, A. D. Martinez-Espinoza, R. L. Brannen, P. J. Pugliese, (2010). Annual Bed Preparation and Installation. UGA CAES Cooperative Extension. http://www.
Wade, G. L., E. M. Bauske, M. T. Fonseca, A. D. Martinez-Espinoza, R. L. Brannen, R. L., and P. J. Pugliese. (2009). Annual Bed Preparation and Installation. UGA CAES Cooperative Extension. Available at:
Hurt, R. T., Braman, R. (2009). Careers in Urban Agriculture DVD (1st ed., vol. 2009, pp. 15 min- utes). UGA Center for Urban Ag.
Peer Reviewed Slide Sets
Wolf, K., E. Bauske, T. Boyle, J. Gaskin, and K. Munden-Dixon. (2013). Starting A Farmers Market. UGA CAES Coop. Ext. Elec. Bul. Num. CD-070.
Bauske, E. M., Fonseca, M. T. (2010). Leadership and Communications. UGA CAES Coop. Ext. Elec. Bul. Num. CD-051.
Brantley, E., Smith, K., Pugliese, P. J., Henning, F. P., Tanner, C., Davis, T., Fonseca, M. T., Bauske, E. M. (2010). Advanced Concepts in Water Smart Landscapes Part 3: Making the Connection, Our Landscape, Our Stream, Our Watershed. UGA Coop. Ext. Elec. Bul. Num. CD-050.
Henning, F. P., Pugliese, P. J., Tanner, C., Davis, T., Smith, K., Brantley, E., Fonseca, M. T., Bauske, E. M. (2009). Advanced Concepts in Water Smart Landscapes Part 2: The Finer Points of Landscape Design. UGA Coop. Ext. Elec. Bul. Num. CD-048.
Tanner, C., Davis, T., Smith, K., Brantley, E., Henning, F. P., Pugliese, P. J., Wade, G. L., Fonseca, M. T., Bauske, E. M. (2009). Advanced Concepts in Water Smart Landscapes Part I: Landscape Planning and Design. UGA Coop. Ext. Elec. Bul. Num. CD-044.